South African Freight Services
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  • +27 31 361 1229

If shipping is your thing, then the few tips below will certainly help you get your shipping business set up.

  1. Decide the type of delivery service you want to run.
    “In the shipping industry, goods are lumped into categories and your start-up shipping business cannot handle all these categories at once. There are perishable goods, dangerous goods, hazardous goods and much more, “Take your time to understand all these categories and choose the specific category of goods your shipping company will be handling. As your business grows, you can expand your services to other categories. But at the onset, keep things small and manageable.”
  2. Get all necessary paperwork ready.
    Just like every other industry, you need a business license and a tax identification number for your business’ bank account to be able to operate your business. There are licenses and permits that are necessary for every shipping company and there are others that vary depending on the type of shipping/delivery service and the item being delivered.
  3. Write a good business plan.
    Your business plan is the beacon that guides your business decisions. More than that, it is a document that gives sufficient details about your business to a degree that will be appealing to any third party such as a potential investor or financial institutions. Your business plan should detail your business overview, your competitions’ skills and price range, your value proposition, your financial and marketing plans and the threats and opportunities in the industry and your exit strategy.
  4. 4. Find a good location and hire staff.
    A site with plenty of open lands is ideal no matter what delivery service you are running, the size of the land can be used to erect a sizable warehouse where goods awaiting delivery can be recorded and stored. It could also additionally serve as space for parking your delivery vehicles or for container storage if you are running a full-scale cargo shipping business. It will also help if the site has direct rail and/or seaport access. You will also need to hire staff at this point. Some to work on your vessels (if you’re running a cargo shipping service) and/or delivery vehicles such as a ship captain, his or her crew and licensed drivers for your delivery trucks etc. Also, you will need people to work in the office to log goods and record, package and handle all administrative processes for your business.
  5. Prepare the office for optimum business performance.
    In every ramification, your business has to be ready to deliver top-notch customer service to its customer base. You will need everything from a well-furnished reception area and customer-friendly employees to reliable accounting software, a fax machine and an efficient system for carrying out financial transactions whether in the form of physical cash, cheque or credit cards.
  6. Develop your corporate brand and make yourself known.
    It is your job to put yourself in the field of vision of your prospective clients. However, you first need to give your business a recognizable face, a brand that defines it. This will entail a captivating logo, which you can use on your business cards, shipping labels, invoices, letterheads, your website, stationary and all other pertinent business items.

(+27) 31 361 1229

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South African Freight Services specializes in international forwarding, customs clearing, import and export freighting, services by sea, air, rail and road. Allowing us to offer our clients a door to door service from anywhere in the world to anywhere in the world.

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